The product CLIMLINER ROLL G1 is an ISOVER mineral wool roll (ARENA), covered on one side with a net fabric reinforced black glass of great mechanical resistance for Interior Insulation of Metal Ducts …
The Climpipe Section Alu 2 product is ISOVER glass wool shell, of cylindrical shape and with an opening made in its generatrix, covered on its outer face with an aluminum sheet reinforced with glass mesh, which acts as a vapor barrier …
The product IBERCOVER is an ISOVER glass wool blanket, covered on one side with an aluminum foil reinforced with kraft paper, which acts as a vapor barrier for exterior insulation of metal ducts. …
Semi-rigid panels of Isover glass-wool, non-hydrophilic, with one side faced with kraft vapour barrier for internal facades insulation. This EPD has been registered as an ECO Platform EPD with ECO EPD Reference number 00000251. The International EPD…
Non-absorbent Arena mineral wool roll, with one side lined with Neto glass fibre weave, offering excellent mechanical resistance for external insuilation in ventilated facades. This EPD has been registered as an ECO Platform EPD with ECO EPD…
High density, ISOVER rigid glass wool panel; the external facing is covered with kraft paper and glass mesh reinforced aluminium foil which acts as a vapour barrier, and the internal facing with kraft paper reinforced aluminium foil. The male edge…
DANOPOL is a wide range of flexible PVC-P membrane for roof waterproofing in buildings. This EPD includes: DANOPOL HS is a synthetic roofing sheet system in various colours with a central woven or non-wonen fabric as reinforcement and DANOPOL FV is…
One of the main products of the company is ISOPLAC, gypsum plasterboards available in different references and thicknesses. ISOPLAC A13 and A15 are laminated gypsum boards with double-sided cardboard and gypsum core, manufactured by continuous…
At Prodema we specialize in creating natural wood products of the highest quality for the world of architecture and design. Following years of research and development we are proud to offer a unique, innovative and high-tech product with no need for…
COLD PANEL is a heat insulating product used both for building of cold rooms and in industry. Cold panel is mostly used for heat insulation of walls, floors, ceiling, in case of cold rooms and conditioned rooms. Kide S.COOP sells the COLD PANEL in…